2nd International Congress on Software Development Processes and Methodologies PROMEDESOFT

On April 21, 2015 it will be held in Cali (Colombia) the 2nd International Congress on Software Development Processes and Methodologies - PROMEDESOFT, whose main theme will be the "Evaluation and Certification of Software Quality Using ISO Standards". The congress is aimed at software development companies, companies in different sectors with an IT department and companies that acquire IT solutions.

The evaluation and certification of software product quality conforming to ISO/IEC 25000 will be one of the main topics that will be featured in the conference.


The aim of the congress is to create a space where professionals and academics can share the best practices related to software development processes and methodologies, strengthening the Sector of Information Technologies and Communications in Colombia.

The conference will feature the following speakers:

  • Mr. Moisés Rodríguez Monje, CEO of Alarcos Quality Center, will give the talk "Evaluación y Certificación de la calidad del producto software con ISO/IEC 25000" (Software product quality evaluation and certification with ISO/IEC 25000), which will discuss how development companies can assure the quality of the software products they deliver, and how organizations that acquire or have outsourced the development of their software can count on mechanisms for controlling the quality of the software they receive.
  • Dr. Francisco José Pino Correa, from Universidad del Cauca, will give the talk "Mejora y Certificación de Procesos Software con ISO/IEC 15504–12207" (Software process improvement and certification with 15504–12207), which will deal with the Software Engineering Maturity Model defined by AENOR (based on the ISO/IEC 15504 and ISO/IEC 12207 standards) and how it provides a tool to improve software development quality for every kind of organization.
  • Ms. Diana Arteaga Gil, from Finding SQA, will give the talk "Proceso de consultoría para la mejora de la calidad del software" (Consulting process for software quality improvement).
  • Dr. Paola Restrepo Ospina, from Fedesoft, will give the talk "Importancia de la industria del software y la calidad del mismo" (Importance of the software industry and software quality).
  • Dr. Cesar Jesús Pardo Calvache, from Universidad EAFIT, will give the talk "Problemas con la homogenización y uso de estándares en la industria del software" (Problems with homogenization and standardization in the software industry).
  • Mr. Jaime Garcia Di Motoli, from Mesa Sectorial de Teleinformatica del SENA, will give the talk "La Mesa Sectorial como estrategia para el Fortalecimiento del Capital Humano del Sector Software & TI" (The sectoral committee as an strategy to strengthen Human capital in the ICT sector), which will discuss the function of sectoral committees, software products and their applications and benefits for companies, workers and educational entities.
  • Mr. Fabián Castillo Peña, from Universidad Libre, Seccional Cali, will give the talk "La importancia de la relación de la Universidad con el sector productivo y su impacto en los procesos académicos y de investigación" (The importance of the relationship between University and industry and its impact on the academic and research processes), which will discuss how the industrial, the educational and the technological sectors should mutually cooperate on matters such as training and human development in order to strengthen the relationship between the university and the productive sector and to improve socio-economic conditions.

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