Activity 5: Conclude the evaluation

In this activity the quality evaluation results are generated, meeting all stakeholder needs for their intended use, in a manner that ensures their validity and usefulness.

Task 5.1: Review evaluation results

The evaluator and the requester shall conduct a collaborative review of the evaluation results to verify and validate their justification and suitability.

Task 5.2: Create evaluation report

Once the results are reviewed, the evaluation report is created, including the requirements of the evaluation, the results from the measurements and analyses performed, any limitations or constraints, the evaluators and their qualifications, etc.

Task 5.3: Review quality evaluation process

The evaluator shall conduct a thorough review the validity of the evaluation process, indicators, and measures utilized. The feedback obtained from this review should be utilized to enhance the overall evaluation process and improve the effectiveness of the evaluation techniques, particularly the rating modules.

Task 5.4: Manage disposition of evaluation data

When the evaluation is completed the data and evaluation items shall be managed and disposed according to requirements of the requester, returning, archiving or destroying them in a secure way, depending on the type of data.

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