AENOR Conform Functional Suitability

Several media have recently echoed the evaluation and certification of the software product Functional Suitability conforming to the the ISO/IEC 25000 standard.

AENOR and AQCLab have conducted over the past year several projects that have allowed several organizations to improve the quality of their software products, and some like Trecone and Bitware even got to obtain a certificate for their software products. In these projects, after the evaluation and audit conducted by AQCLab with the necessary precision based on the ISO/IEC 25000 standard, AENOR has granted the AENOR Conform certificate.

This evaluation and certification is unprecedented milestone at an international level in the field of software quality and engineering, since it is the first case in which a software product has been evaluated and certified for the Functional Suitability characteristic of ISO/IEC 25000.

Among other advantages, this certification gives customers confidence that the software product they purchase meets their requirements, which makes Functional Suitability one of the most important software quality characteristics in order to ensure the success of a product among its users.

By certifying their Functional Suitability, the software development companies can prove that their products meet all the requirements for their customers, and in turn, customers have the assurance that the products they acquire are complete and correct functionally.

Below you can see the press release issued by AENOR and various media (in Spanish) in which it has been reproduced:

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